Deana Mercer, MD, MSCR, FAOA

Deana Mercer is an upper limb surgeon at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.
She is double fellowship trained in Shoulder/Elbow (Dr. Matsen Seattle WA) and hand microvascular (Dr. Moneim Albuquerque NM). She is a tenured professor and works exclusively at a level 1 trauma center, the only one in the state of NM. She is clinically high volume and is productive in research. She has a special interest in nerve trauma and complex upper extremity injuries.
She strives to push the science of orthopaedics forward and does this through work with orthopaedic societies and clinical/basic science research.
Presentation Topics
1. Distal radius fractures
2. Complex elbow fractures and instability
3. Complex nerve injuries, acute and chronic to include TMR and RPNI
4. Hand fractures—management of fractures of long bones of the hand
5. Interosseous ligament Injuries and their effect on the elbow and wrist
Book Chapters Authored & Co-Authored
- Mercer D, Lacovara A, Schenck RC. Acute Fractures and Dislocations in Athletes, in Madden C, Putukian M, Young CC, McCarty EC (Eds): Netter’s Sports Medicine. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier; pp 445-454; 2010.
- Cheema T, Mercer D. Complex Injuries of the Hand: Extensor tendon injuries. Published by JP Medical Ltd. London, UK: pp129-143. 2013.
- Mercer D, DeMaio MA, Wascher DC, Echols PG, Schenck RC Jr. Teaching as Coaching. In Doughtery P, Joyce B, eds. The Orthopaedic Educator. Basel, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing AG; 61-76; Chapter 4. July 2018.
- Mercer D. Surgical Technique for Trauma and Sports Related Injuries of the Elbow. Chapter on Revision Surgery for the Ulnar Nerve at the Elbow. ISBN 978-3-662-58931-1. 2020.
- Kathryn Yeager, MD; Allicia O Imada, MD; Jera A Davis, MBA; Deana Mercer, MD. Chapter 2 - Osteoarthritis of the Wrist, Primary and Secondary (SLAC/SNAC). AAOS Resident’s Curriculum. 2020.
Peer-Review Journal Publications
- Moneim MS, Firoozbakhsh K, Mikola EA, Mercer D, Larsen K: Flexor tendon repair using shape memory alloy suture. J. Investigative Medicine; 51(1):132; 2003.
- Cheema TA, Firoozbakhsh K, De Carvalho AF, Mercer D. Biomechanic comparison of 3 tendon transfers for supination of the forearm. J Hand Surg Am. 31(10):1640-4 2006 Dec.
- Milner BF, Mercer D, Firoozbakhsh K, Larsen K, Decoster TA, Miller RA. Bicortical screw fixation of distal fibula fractures with a lateral plate: an anatomic and biomechanical study of a new technique. J Foot Ankle Surg. 46(5):341-7. PubMed PMID: 17761318. 2007 Sep-Oct.
- Decoster TA, Mercer D, Hrebickova L. Preparation and Use of Antibiotic-Impregnated Beads for Orthopaedic Infections. Orthopaedic Knowledge Online. Vol 5, Number 3, March 2007.
- Szalay EA, Harriman D, Eastlund B, Mercer D. Quantifying postoperative bone loss in children. J Pediatr Orthop. 28(3):320-3. PubMed PMID: 18362797. Apr-May 2008.
- Mercer D, Fitzpatrick J, Firoozbakhsh K, Carvalho A, Moneim M. Extensor tendon repair with and without central slip reattachment to bone: a biomechanical study. J Hand Surg Am. 34(1):108-11. PubMed PMID: 19081684. 2009 Jan.
- Saltzman M, Mercer D, Bertelsen A, Warme W, Matsen F. Postsurgical chondrolysis of the shoulder. Orthopedics. 32(3):215. PubMed PMID: 19309045. March 2009.
- Saltzman MD, Mercer D, Warme WJ, Bertelsen AL, Matsen FA 3rd. Comparison of patients undergoing primary shoulder arthroplasty before and after the age of fifty. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 92(1):42-7. Jan 2010.
- Saltzman MD, Mercer D, Warme WJ, Bertelsen AL, Matsen FA 3rd. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. A method for documenting the change in center of rotation with reverse total shoulder arthroplasty and its application to a consecutive series of 68 shoulders having reconstruction with one of two different reverse prostheses. 19(7):1028-33.
- Mercer D, Firoozbakhsh K, Prevost M, Mulkey P, DeCoster TA, Schenck RS. Stiffness of knee-spanning external fixation systems for traumatic knee dislocations: A Biomechanical Study. J Ortho Trauma. 24(11): 693-6. PMID: 20926960. Nov 2010.
- Mercer D, Salzman MD, Neradilek MB, Gilmer BB, Warme WJ, Matsen III FA. A reproducible and practical method for documenting the position of the humeral head center relative to the scapula on standardized plain radiographs. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 20(3): 363-371. 2010 Oct 18.
- Afifi AM, Richards A, Medoro A, Mercer D, Moneim M. The extensor tendon splitting approach to the proximal interphalangeal joint: do we need to reinsert the central slip? J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 35(3):188-91. PMID: 20007416. Mar 2010.
- Mercer D, Chamberlain AM, Saltzman MD, Warme WJ, Bertelsen AL, Matsen FW 3rd. Shoulder hemiarthroplasty with concentric glenoid reaming in patients 55 years old or less. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 20(4):609-15. Epub 2010 Dec 16. 2011 Jun.
- Mercer D, Gilmer BB, Saltzman MD, Bertelsen A, Warmer WJ, Matsen FA 3rd. J shoulder Elbow Surg. A quantitative method for determining medial migration of the humeral head after shoulder arthroplasty: preliminary results in assessing glenoid wear at a minimum of two years after hemiarthroplasty with concentric glenoid reaming. 20(2):301-7. 2011 Mar.
- Mercer D, Matthew D. Saltzman, M.D., Winston J. Warme, M.D., and Frederick A. Matsen, III, M.D. Three-Dimensional Position of the Humeral Head Center Relative to the Scapula: J Shoulder Elbow Surg; 20, 363-371. 2011.
- Mercer D, Morrell NT, Fitzpatrick J, Silva S, Child Z, Miller R, DeCoster TA. The course of the distal saphenous nerve: a cadaveric investigation and clinical implications. Iowa Orthop J. 31:231-5. PMID: 22096447. 2011.
- Lovald S, Mercer D, Hanson J, Cowgill I, Erdman M, Robinson P, Diamond B. Complications and hardware removal after open reduction and internal fixation of humeral fractures. J Trauma. 70(5): 1273-7 PMID: 21610440. 2011 May.
- Salas C, Mercer D, DeCoster T, Taha MR. Experimental and probabilistic analysis of distal femoral periprosthetic fracture: a comparison of locking plate and intramedullary nail fixation. Part A: experimental investigation. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 14(2): 157-64. PMID: 21337222. Feb 2011.
- Salas C, Mercer D, DeCoster TA, Reda Taha MM. Experimental and probabilistic analysis of distal femoral periprosthetic fracture: a comparison of locking plate and intramedullary nail fixation. Part A: experimental investigation. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed Engin. 14(2):157-64. Feb 2011.
- Morrell NT, Mercer D, Moneim MS. Trends in the Orthopedic Job Market and the Importance of Fellowship Subspecialty Training. Orthopedics, 35(4): e555-60. PMID: 22495859. April 2012.
- Lovald S, Mercer D, Hanson J, Cowgill I, Erdman M, Robinson P, Diamond B. Hardware removal after fracture fixation procedures in the femur. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 72(1): 282-7. PMID: 21926643. Jan 2012.
- Cheema T, Salas C, Morrell N, Lansing L, Reda Taha MM, Mercer D. Opening wedge trapezial osteotomy as treatment for early trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis: a biomechanical investigation of radial subluxation, contact area, and contact pressure. J Hand Surg Am. 37(4):699-705. Epub 2012 Mar 3. April 2012.
- Morrell NT, Mercer D, Moneim MS. Late reconstruction of chronic distal biceps tendon ruptures using fascia lata autograft and suture anchor fixation.Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 16(3):141-4. Sep 2012.
- Morrell NT, Mercer D, Moneim MS. Distal Posterior Interosseous Nerve Palsy Mimicking Extensor Pollicis Longus Tendon Rupture; A Case Report and Review. Accepted at JBJS Case Connector. 2013.
- Morrell NT, Mercer D, Moneim MS. Isolated Distal Posterior Interosseous Nerve Palsy Mimicking Extensor Pollicis Longus Tendon Rupture: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. JBJS Case Connect. 3(3):3e69. Jul 10, 2013.
- Moneim MS, Morrell NT, Mercer D. Partial Trapeziectomy with Capsular Interposition Arthroplasty (PTCI): A Novel Technique for Thumb Basal Joint Arthritis. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg. 2014. (Epub ahead of print). PMID: 24784170. April 29, 2014.
- Evans S, Brantley J, Brady C, Salas C, Mercer D. Structures at risk during volar percutaneous fixation of scaphoid fractures: a cadaver study. Iowa Orthop J;35:119-23. June 2015.
- Mercer D, Baldwin ED, Moneim MS. Posterior interosseous nerve laceration following elbow arthroscopy. J Hand Surg Am;40(3):624-6. March 2015.
- Mercer D, Salas C, Carlston C, Thompson N, Moneim M. The CMC View: A Comparison of Three Radiographic Views by Eaton-Glickel Classification and Correlation to Clinic Disease Severity. Journal of Wrist Surgery. 04-A010. April 2015.
- Lam NC, Charles M, Mercer D, Soneru C, Dillow J, Jaime F, Petersen TR, Mariano ER. A triple-masked, randomized controlled trial comparing ultrasound-guided brachial plexus and distal peripheral nerve block anesthesia for outpatient hand surgery. Anesthesia Res Pract. 2014; 2014:324083. Epub 2014. PubMed PMID: 24839439; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4009248. April 15, 2014.
- Kimsal J, Mercer D, Schenck R, DeCoster TA, Bozorgnia S, Fitzpatrick J, Mlady G, Lerma J, Khraishi T. Finite element analysis of plate-screw systems used in medial opening wedge proximal tibial osteotomies. Int. J. Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Vol 19, No. 2, pp 154-68. 2015.
- Leggott KT, Martin M, Sklar D, Helitzer D, Rosett R, Crandall C, Vagh F, Mercer D. Transformation of anesthesia for ambulatory orthopedic surgery: A mixed-methods study of a diffusion of innovation in healthcare. The Journal of Delivery Science and Innovation. HSDSI-D-15-0007R1. Online October 2015.
- Hageman MG, Jayakumar P, King JD, Guitton TG, Doornberg JN, Ring D, Mercer D; Science of Variation Group. The factors influencing the decision making of operative treatment for proximal humeral fractures. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 24(1):e21-6. Jan 2015.
- Mercer D, Baldwin ED, Moneim MS. Posterior interosseous nerve laceration following elbow arthroscopy. J Hand Surg Am. 40(3):624-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2014.05.036. Epub 2015 Feb 1. Review. March 2015.
- Kimsal J, Mercer D, Schenck R, DeCoster T, Bozorgnia S, Fitzpatrick J, Mlady G, Lerma J, Khraishi T. Finite Element Analysis of Palte-Screw Systems used in the Medial Opening Wedge Proximal Tibial Osteotomies. International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology. 2015.
- Evans S, Brantley J, Brady C, Salas C, Mercer D. Structures at Risk During Volar Percutaneous Fixation of Scaphoid Fractures: A Cadaver Study. Iowa Orthop J. 35:119-23. 2015.
- Pourkand A, Salas C, Regalado J, Bhakta K, Tufaro R, Mercer D, Grow D. Objective Evaluation of Motor Skills for Orthopaedic Residents Using a Motion Tracking Drill System. Iowa Orthop J; 36:13-9. June 2016.
- Leggott KT, Martin M, Sklar D, Helitzer D, Rosett R, Crandall C, Vagh F, Mercer D. Transformation of anesthesia for ambulatory orthopedic surgery: A mixed-methods study of a
diffusion of innovation in healthcare. Healthc (Amst). 2016 Sep;4(3):181-7. doi: 10.1016/j.hjdsi.2015.09.003. Epub 2015 Oct 2. Sept 2016. - Mercer D, Salas C, Morrell N, Stewart D, McClellan W, Moneim M. Short- and long-term results of partial trapeziectomy with capsular interposition arthroplasty to treat thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis. J Hand Surg Eur Vol. 2016.
- Saltzman MD, Mercer D, Bertelsen A, Warme WJ, Matsen FA 3rd. Bilateral Posterior Sternoclavicular Dislocations. Radiol Case Rep. 4(1):256. eCollection 2009. Oct 4, 2016.
- Salas C, Mercer D, O’Mahony G, Love J, LaBlaze D, Moneim MS. Thumb metacarpal subsidence after partial trapeziectomy with capsular interposition arthroplasty: a biomechanical study. J. Hand Surg. 2016
- Salas C, Nery S, Hamilton A, Pourkand A, Mercer D, Grow D. “Smart” surgical instruments: pedicle probe for resident motor skills training and evaluation. Abstract presented at: ORS 2017 Annual Meeting; San Diego, California. March 19-22, 2017.
- Salas C, Brantley JA, Clark J, Reda Taha MM, Mercer D, Myers O. Damage in a Distal Radius Fracture Model Treated with Locked Volar Plating after Simulated Postoperative Loading. J Hand Surg Am. In Press. 2018.
- Moneim MS, Salas C, Lese AB, Thompson NB, Mercer D. Long-term outcomes after partial trapeziectomy with capsular interposition arthroplasty for treating osteoarthritis of the thumb basal joint. Orthopedics. 2018.
- Eberly L, Richter D, Comerci G, Ocksrider J, Mercer D, Mlady G, Wascher D, Schenck R. Psychosocial and demographic factors influencing pain scores of patients with knee osteoarthritis. PLoS One eCollection July 2018.
- Zamani N, Pourkand A, Salas C, Mercer D, Grow D. A Novel Approach for Assessing and Training the Drilling Skills of Orthopaedic Surgeons. J Bone Joint Surg Am. Aug 21;101(16):e82. 2019.
- Aditi Majumdar, William Chavez, Jacob Valdez, Tony Sapradit, Christina Salas, Deana Mercer, Christoper Bankhead, Dustin Richter. “Unicortical Versus Bicortical Button Fixation For Distal Biceps Brachii Tendon Rupture: A Cadaveric Biomechanical Study. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine. July 29,2019.
- Aubin-Lemay, Camille and Deana Mercer. "Intraoperative Finding of Flexor Carpi Radialis Avulsion During Closed Distal Radius Fracture: A Case Report." UNM Orthopaedic Research Journal 8, 1 (2019).
- Love, Bridgette M.; Deana Mercer; Amber West; Karen S. SantaCruz; and Elizabeth A. Mikola. "Diagnosis of Leprosy Using Sural Nerve Biopsy Findings: A Case Report." UNM Orthopaedic Research Journal 8, 1 (2019).
- Hyden, Andrew M.; Christopher A. McGrew; and Deana Mercer. "Fracture of the Ulnar Sesamoid Bone in the Thumb of a Collegiate Basketball Player: A Case Report." UNM Orthopaedic Research Journal 8, 1 (2019).
- Khalsa, Sirikrishna K.; Camille Aubin-Lemay; and Deana Mercer. "Technique of Proximal Pole Scaphoid Fracture Fixation Using a Retrograde Pin Placement but Antegrade Screw Placement: A Case Example."UNM Orthopaedic Research Journal 8, 1 (2019).
- Moneim M, Aubin-Lemay C, Anderson M, Mercer D. Long-term outcomes of delayed scapholunate ligament repair following complete rupture of the ligament: a 9.4-year follow-up. HAND (European). 2020.
- Alliston T, Foucher KC, Frederick B, Hernandez CJ, Iatridis JC, Kozloff KM, Lewis KJ, Mercer D, Ochia R, Queen RM, Romnac CM, Meulen van der M, Westendord JJ. The Importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Orthopaedics Research Society. 2020.
- Hoekzema N, Gray R, Orbay J, Rubio F, Vernon L, Imada, A, Mercer D. Intraoperative Radiographic Method of Locating the Radial Head Safe Zone: The Bicipital Tuberosity View. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2020.
- Aubin-Lemay C, Ran H, Mercer D. Pronator Quadratus Rotational Muscle Flap Technique for Coverage of Hardware After Distal Radius ORIF. Western Journal of Orthopaedics. 2020.
- Wharton M, Su M, Brett M, Femling J, Kennedy K, Chafey D, Wells A, Schenck R, Mercer D. COVID-19: The New Mexico Experience and Background. Western Journal of Orthopaedics. 2020.
- Salas C, Neher Leslie, Romero J, Aubin-Lemay C, Ran H, Larson D, Mercer D. Quantifying Coverage of a Distal Radius Volar Plate Using a Novel Pronator Quadratus Rotational Muscle Flap Technique. Western Journal of Orthopaedics. 2020.
- Mercer, D. Article Title - Evidence-Based Approach to Timing of Nerve Surgery: A Review. 2021.
- Imada AO, Mercer D. Seven Deadly Sins of distal radius fracture fixation. Western Journal of Orthopaedics. 2021.
- Imada AO, McDonald C, Mercer D. Distal radial shaft malunion and distal radioulnar joint instability 8 years after postoperative plate failure: a case report. Western Journal of Orthopaedics. 2021.
- Brady JM, Bray A, Kim P, Schneider B, Lippe J, Mercer D, Sutton K. Female Residents Give Themselves Lower Scores Than Male Colleagues and Faculty Evaluators on ACGME Milestones. J Surg Educ. Aug 2021.
- Orbay J, Vernon L, Poirier S, Morales V, Cambo R, Mercer D. Effect of Ulnar Head Offset on Distal Radioulnar Joint Stability. J Hand Surg Am. Sep 2021.
- MacKay BJ, Cox CT, Valerio IL, Greenberg JA, Buncke GM, Evans PJ, Mercer DM, McKee DM, Ducic I. Evidence-Based Approach to Timing of Nerve Surgery: A Review. Ann Plast Surg. Sep 2021.
- Majumdar, A., Salas, C., Chavez, W., Bankhead, C., Sapradit, T. J., Mercer, D., Wascher, D. C., & Richter, D. L. (2021). No Significant Difference Between Intramedullary and Extramedullary Button Fixation for Distal Biceps Brachii Tendon Rupture After Cyclic Loading in a Cadaver Model. Arthroscopy, sports medicine, and rehabilitation, 3(3), e807–e813.
- Rush MN, Salas C, Mottishaw L, Fountain D, Mercer D. Additive Manufacturing: The Next Generation of Scapholunate Ligament Reconstruction. J. Wrist Surgery; Special Review Article. 2021 April.
- Moneim MS, Aubin-Lemay C, Anderson MS, Mercer D. Long-term Outcomes of Delayed Scapholunate Ligament Repair After Complete Rupture of the Ligament. J. Orthopedics; 44(3): e446-453. 2021 May-June.
- Orbay J, Vernon L, Gibson K, Lacau G, Mercer D, Hoekzema N. Mitigation of Triceps Avulsion Fractures following Proximal Ulna Plate Fixation. J. Orthopaedic Trauma. 2021.
- Lee DH, Reasoner K, Lee D, Davidson C, Pennings JS, Blazar PE, Frick SL, Kelly AM, LaPorte DM, Lese AB, Mercer DM, Ring D, Salazar DH, Scharschmidt TJ, Snoddy MC, Strauch RJ, Tuohy CJ, Wongworawat MD. Is Grit Associated with Burnout and Well-being in Orthopaedic Resident and Faculty Physicians? A Multi-institution Longitudinal Study Across Training Levels. Clin Orthop Relat Res. December 2021.
- Imada AO, Oloyede SF, Mercer D. The Extended Flexor Carpi Radialis Approach. J. Orthopaedic Trauma. September 2021 - Volume 35 – Issue – p s1-s5. doi: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000002207
- Mercer, D., Rubio, F., Bolano, L., Figueroa, J.S., Bamberger, B., Gonzales, G. "The importance of restoring forearm kinematics in radial head arthroplasty: a retrospective multi-center study". Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. October 2021.
- Mihra S. Taljanovic, Imran M Omar, Jennifer S Weaver, Jennifer L Becker, Deana M Mercer, Giles W Beck. Post-treatment imaging of the wrist and hand – update 2022. Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology. January 2022.
- Heifner JJ, Rubio F, Gray RR, Hoekzema NA, Mercer D. "Double barrel screw fixation for proximal phalanx fracture". Techniques In Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery. March 2022.
- Deana M. Mercer, Luis E.Bolano, Francisco Rubio, Brent Bamberger, Jose Santiago Figueroa, Gilberto A.Gonzalez. A radial head prosthesis that aligns with the forearm axis of rotation: a retrospective multi-center study. JSES: Seminars in Arthroplasty. March 2022.
- Robert Gray, Nathan Hoekzema, John Heifner, Kelly Scott, Francisco Rubio, Natasha Dark, Allicia Imada, Deana Mercer. Avoiding Articular Breakthrough in Screw Fixation of Radial Head Fractures. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery International. doi: 10.1053. April 2022.
- Heifner J; Halpern, A.; Wahood, M.; Mercer D; Orbay, J. Appropriately matched fixed angle locking plates improve stability in volar distal radius fixation. J. Hand Surgery Global Online. April 2022
- Alex Telis, MD, MS; Rachel Tufaro, BS; Dustin Larson, MD; Deana Mercer, MD; Christina Salas, PhD. The H-taping method for prophylactic or temporary treatment of partial A2 pulley tears during rock climbing: a biomechanical study. HAND. May 2022.
- Orbay, J.; Wahood, M.; Vernon, L.; Mercer, D. Surgical Management of Acute on Chronic Distal Radius Fractures: Correcting Malunion Deformities Through the Secondary Fracture Plane. Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery: May 02, 2022 - Volume - Issue - 10.1097/BTH.0000000000000395. May 2022
- Dahlberg, Ryan MD; Mikola, Elizabeth MD; Mercer, Deana MD; Moneim, Moheb S. MD, FRSCS. Simultaneous Limited Incision Carpal Tunnel Release and Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Opponensplasty Using a Transverse Carpal Ligament Pulley: Surgical Technique and Case Series. Techniques in Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery. June 06, 2022 doi: 10.1097/BTH.0000000000000401
- Heifner J; Halpern, A.; Wahood, M.; Mercer D; Orbay, J. Acute on Chronic Distal Radius Fracture: A Case Series and Technique Description. J. Hand Surgery Global Online. September 2022
- Yeager, K., Mercer, D., Vernon, L., Hoekzema, N., Gray, R., Rubio, F., Orbay, J. Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendon Insertion onto the Trapezial Ridge: An Anatomic Description. J. Hand Surgery Global Online. September 2022
- Heifner, J; Dones, A; Wells, L; Mercer, D. The comparative performance of radial head prostheses in patients younger than and older than 50 years: a systematic review. J. Shoulder Elbow Surg September 2022
- Heifner JJ, McIver ND, Salas C, Mercer DM. A Volar Locking Plate with Fossa Specific Fixation Provides Comparable Stability Between Articular and Nonarticular Cadaveric Models of Distal Radius Fracture [published online ahead of print, 2022 Sep 27]. Hand (N Y). 2022;15589447221122825. doi:10.1177/15589447221122825
- Yeager K, Heifner J, Rubio F, Gray R, Orbay J, Mercer D. Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendon Insertion onto the Trapezial Ridge: An Anatomic Description. J Hand Surg Glob Online. 2022;5(1):55-57. Published 2022 Nov 16. doi:10.1016/j.jhsg.2022.09.007
- Heifner, J; Halpern A; Zavurov, G; Mercer. D. Novel descriptions of the radial osteotomy in Kienböck’s disease: A systematic review. H. Hand Surgery Global Online. January 2023
- Heifner, John; Kolovich, Greg P.; Bolano, Luis E.; Sibley, Paul A.; Gonzalez, Gilberto A.; Mercer, Deana M. Revision of failed radial head arthroplasty. HAND. January 2023
- Salas, C; Brantley, J; Mercer, D; Gross, Jessica; Scott, Kelly; Mikola, E. Mini All-Suture Anchors for Repairing the Central Slip of the Extensor Tendon at the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint: A Biomechanical Investigation. The Journal of Hand Surgery. 2023; Published 2023 Mar 3 doi:10.1016/j.jhsa.2023.01.005
- Heifner, J; Halpern A; Gomez O; Mercer. D; Orbay, J. Evaluating the Distal Extent of Visualization in Volar Approaches for Distal Radius Fracture Fixation. The Journal of Hand Surgery. 2023; Published 2023 Apr.
- Heifner, John; Mercer, Deana; “A Medial Approach that Provides Ample Exposure of the Coronoid for Fracture Management” Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery THUES-23-12R2; Published June 2023
Future Publications
- “A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Nerve Gap Repair: Comparative Effectiveness of Allografts, Autografts, and Conduits”, by Jonathan Lans, MD, PhD; Kyle Eberlin, MD; Peter J. Evans, MD, PhD; Deana Mercer, MD; Jeffrey A. Greenberg, MD; Joseph F. Styron, MD, PhD. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Advance Online Article
doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000010088. May 2023. - "Simultaneous Limited Incision Carpal Tunnel Release and Flexor Digitorum Superficialis Opponensplasty Using a Transverse Carpal Ligament Pulley. Surgical Technique and Case Series." (the "Work"), by Dr Moheb Moneim, to Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery. 2022.
- Mercer, D., Heifner, J., Chafey, D., MacKay, BJ. “Processed nerve allograft reconstruction” Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery. 2022.
- Heifner, J., Rivera, A.E., Wells, A.L., Reb, C.W., Mercer, D. Osteosynthesis and radial head arthroplasty achieve comparable and favorable results in terrible triad injury: a systematic review using propensity score matching. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2021
Other Publications
- Saltzman MD, Mercer DM, Bertelsen A, Warme WJ, Matsen FA. Bilateral Posterior Sternoclavicular Dislocations. Radiology Case Reports, Vol 4, No 1. 2009.
- DeCoster TA, Schenck R, Wascher D, Richter D, Mercer D. Evolution of the Management of the Dislocated Knee: A Trauma Perspective. UNM Orthopaedics Research Journal. Vol 1: 55-58. Jun 2012.
- DeCoster, TA, Mercer D, Baldwin E. Comparison of the Accuracy of X-ray, 2D-CT, 3D-CT, and Physical Modeling in Classification of Fractures about the Elbow Needing Operative Treatment. UNM Orthopaedics Research Journal. Vol 1: 22-25. June 2012.
- Moneim M, Mercer D. Dorsal Intercarpal Ligament Instability Deformity Following Resection Arthroplasty of the Scaphotrapezotrapezoidal Joint. UNM Orthopaedics Research Journal. Case Report. Vol II:50-51. June 2013.
- Mercer D, Martin M, Sklar D, Leggott K, Rosett R. Regional anesthesia in outpatient surgery. UNM Orthopaedics Research Journal. June 2014.
- Gavin K, Blocklage T, Chafey D, Mercer D. Chondroblastoma of the Humeral Epiphysis in a 15-year-old Female. UNM Orthopaedics Research Journal, Vol III:59-62. 2014.
- Mercer D, Moneim M. Anatomy Primer of the Wrist Ligaments. UNM Orthopaedics Research Journal, Vol III:46-48. 2014.
- Mercer D, Bolton J, Schenck RC. Disruptive Physician Behavior from an Emerging Leader Perspective. AOA News. Spring 2015.
- Mercer D. Mentorship is the Key. ASSH Correspondence Newsletter. July 2015.
- Salas C, Newhoff DK, Cheema Z, Richards AA, Mercer DM, Medoro AK, Afifi AM, Moneim MS, Vietch JM. Third extensor compartment disruption and the biomechanics of thumb extension. Univ N M Orthop Res J; 4:35-8. 2015 Jun.
- Pourkand A, Salas C, Mercer DM, Grow DI. Motion-tracking drill system using a haptic device for evaluating and training motor skills of orthopaedic resident physicians outside the operating room: a pilot study. Univ N M Orthop Res J; 4:29-31. 2015 Jun.
- Cheema Z, Huff NE, Mercer DM. Nonunion after hybrid plating with locking and nonlocking screws in radius and ula shaft fractures: report of two cases. Univ N M Orthop Res J; 4:39-41. Jun 2015.
- Lese AB, Mikola EA, Mercer DM. Severe ischemia of the finger after use of compressive self-adherent wrap: report of two cases. Univ N M Orthop Res J; 4:45-7. 2015 Jun.
- Payne BK, Logue ME, Silva SR, Mercer DM. Spare-parts technique for concurrent treatment of ectrodactyly of the feet and syndactyly of the hands in a 2-year-old boy: a case report. Univ N M Orthop Res J; 5:84-6. 2016.
- Bodmer DZ, Loker KM, Mercer DM. Simultaneous dislocation of both interphalangeal joints in the same digit of a 56-year-old woman with workers’ compensation: a case report. Univ N M Orthop Res J; 5:69-71. 2016.
- Avila JA, Parnall TH, Charley EL, Mercer LN, Mikola EA, Mercer DM. Postoperative complications in patients with trapeziometacarpal joint osteoarthritis treated with carpometacarpal arthroplasty: report of two cases. Univ N M Orthop Res J; 5:62-5. 2016.
- Eberly LA, Richter DL, Comerci GD, Mercer DM, Mlady GW, Wascher DC, Schenck RC. Psychosocial and demographic factors influencing pain scores of patients with knee osteoarthritis. Univ N M Orthop Res J; 5:40-6. 2016.
- Smith KJ, Coss SR, Mercer DM, Salas C, Grow DI. Design of a robotic apparatus for simulated motion of the human hand. Univ NM Orthop Res J; 5:56-8. 2016.
- Mercer, Deana. “Efficient Surgical Technique in Identification of Posterior Interosseous Nerve During Proximal Radial Exposure” – American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) Hand.e Video Theater abstract proposal VT0105; March 3, 2023
- Gray, Robert; Mercer, Deana; Hoekzema, Nathan. “Reliably Finding the Posterior Interosseous Nerve in the Lateral Approach to the Elbow” – American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH) Hand.e Video Theater abstract proposal VT0038; March 3, 2023.
Journal Publications in Review / Preparation
- Salas C, Carlston C, Dexter J, Taha MR, Orbay J, Mercer D. High-Resolution Kinematic Analyses of the thumb Carpometacarpal Joint in Lateral Pinch and Grip. The Journal of Hand Surgery. In review.
- Salas C, Brantley J, Baldwin E, Carlston C, Reda Taha M, Mercer D. Mechanical properties of the thumb carpometacarpal joint ligaments and their correlation to joint stability. J Biomech. In preparation.
- Salas C, Brantley J, Baldwin E, Carlston C, Reda Taha M, Mercer D. Patient-specific finite element models of the thumb carpometacarpal joint: The effects of ligamentous laxity on joint contact pressure and stability. Ann Biomed Eng. In preparation.
- Race and Ethnicity Related Prevalence of Obesity in Children with Distal Radius Fractures. J Pediatr Orthop. Avila J and Mercer D. Preparing for submission. 2019. In preparation.
- President of the New Mexico Orthopaedic Society (NMOS)
- Active Member of the American Society for Peripheral Nerve (ASPN)
- Member of the American Orthopaedic Association (AOA) and current NM AOA Meeting Liaison
- Associate Member of the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES)
- Active Member of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA)
- Member of the International Guest Hand Society Committee for the American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH)
- Elected Member at Large for the American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS)
- Active Fellow in the American Academy of Arthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
- Active Member in The Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons (ABJS)
- Active Member of the Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS)
- President, Coordinator of the Southwest Orthopaedic Trauma Association (SWOTA)
- Member of the Ruth Jackson Orthopaedic Society (RJOS)
- Member of th American Medical Association (AMA)
- Member of Alpha Omega Alpha (AΩA)
- Member of the Travel Committee for Handemonium
- Member of the International Wrist Investigators Workshop