Prof. Dr. med. Ralf Hermann Wittenberg

Ralf Hermann Wittenberg

Current Position:

Chief surgeon

Clinical Focus:

  • Total Hip and total knee prostheses, Shoulder Surgery, Minimally-invasive pain therapy, ...


  • Consultant for Orthopedics and Trauma, Consultant for Physical and Rehabilitative Medicine, Rheumatology, Special Pain Treatment, Chirotherapy, Sportsmedicin

Scientific Focus:

  • Decrement of total Hip and total Knee prostheses


  • 1990 - 1991: Executive Senior Physician, University Clinic St. Josef- Hospital in Bochum
  • 1991 – 1994: Senior Physician at the Orthopedic, University Clinic St. Josef- Hospital in Bochum
  • 1994 - 1995: Functional Senior Physician, Rheumatology Rotes Kreuz Hospital
  • 1998 - 2000: Executive Senior Physician and Associate, Clinic Director
  • 2000 – till today: Chief surgeon Vestische Orthopädische Klinik, St. Elisabeth-Hospital Herten gGmbH


  • 1984 – 1987: Assistant Doctor at the University Clinic “Bergmannsheil Bochum”
  • 1987 – 1990: Assistant Doctor
  • 1988 – 1989: „Harvard Officer“ Assistant Doctor at the Orthopedics and Biomechanics of the Beth, Israel Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School


  • 1981 – 1984: Stipendiary of the Student foundation of the German Nation
  • 1988 – 1989: NATO- Scholarships of the German Academical, Exchangeservice at the USA Boston Harvard University


  • 1991: Habilitation
  • 1997: apl Professor


  • Werner Eduard Siebert, Martin Krismer, Reinald Brunner


  • 1993

Spondylolyse und Spondylolisthese – Diagnose und Therapie.
Orthopäde, 27: 51-63, 1998

Mittelfristige Nachuntersuchungsergebnisse der operativ versorgten Tendinosis calcarea (kalzifierendes Subacromialsyndrom – SAS) des Schultergelenkes
Z. Orthop., 135: 354-359, 1997

Injektionsbehandlung bei nicht-radikulären Lumbalgien.
Orthopäde, 26: 544-552, 1997

Biomechanische Untersuchungen zweisegmentaler lumbosakraler Stabilisationen und simulierter Fusionen.
Z. Orthop., 2: 123-129, 1995

Flexibility and Distraction after monosegemental and bisegmental lumbosacral fixation with angular stable fixators.
Spine, 11: 1227-1232, 1995

In vitro release of prostaglandins and leukotrienes from synovial tissue, cartilage and bone in degenerative joint diseases
Arthritis Rheum, 36/10: 1444-1450, 1993

Effect of screw diameter, insertiontechnique and bone cement augmentation of pedicular screw fixation strength
Clin. Orthop., 296: 278-287, 1993

Surgical treatment of persistent elbow epicondylitis.
Clin. Orthop. Rel. Res. 278: 73-80, 1992

Heterotropic ossification after spinal cord injury.
J. Bone Joint Surg. 74B: 215-218, 1992

Der Effekt von Sulfasalazin und seiner Metabolite auf die Prostaglandin- und Leukotrien-Freisetzung aus menschlichem Synovialgewebe.
Wien Klin. Wschr. 103: 34-39, 1991

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