Clinical Focus
- Revision surgery after infections of the locomotor system, nonunions, malunions and posttraumatic arfthritis, revisions of total hip and knee replacement.
- Orthopedic surgery and traumatology of the locomotor system
Scientific Focus
- Infections of the locomotor system, total hip and total hip revision, total knee revision,
- Posttraumatic non-union, malunion, arthritis.
- Vice-chairman (1978) at the orthopaedic department of the university of Amsterdam
- Head of policlinic depart. (1981) of the orthopaedic university clinic Balgrist Zürich
- Head of the orthopaedic department (1984) of the Kantonsspital Liestal Switzerland
- Private practice (2006) after retirement
- Dep. of Anatomy Zürich, Dep. of orthopaedic surg. Balgrist Zürich, Dep. of Surgery Basel, Dep. of orthopaedic. Surg at the Hôpital Cochin Paris
- Universities of Geneva, Zürich and Vienna
- Honorary member of the Swiss society of orthopaedic surgery and the Swiss 2010 association of traumatology and insurance medicine 2008
- Corresponding member of AO Austria 2002
- Extraordinary professor of the university of Basle 1998
- Venel price of the Swiss society of orthopaedic surgery 1986
- Habilitation/PhD 1985 medical faculty of the university of Zurich
- Promotion 1972
- Executive board, DGOOC
- Jochen Eulert, Wolfgang Küsswetter, Gerhard Hilzensauer
- 1980
Ochsner PE
Osteointegration of orthopaedic devices.
Semin. Immunopathol. 33:245-56(2011
Ochsner PE, Hailemariam S
Histology of osteosynthesis associated bone infection
Injury 37:S49-S58(2006)
Zimmerli W, Trampuz A, Ochsner PE
Current concept: Prosthetic-joint infection
N Engl J Med 351:1645-54(2004)
Ochsner PE (Hrsg)
Die Hüfttotalprothese: Implantationstechnik und lokale Komplikationen
Springer Heidelberg 2003, Englisch 2003, Chinesisch 2004, Spanisch 2006
Ochsner P. E., Pfister A.
Use of the fork plate for internal fixation of periprosthetic fractures and osteotomies in connection with total knee replacement.
Orthopaedics 22: 517-521 (1999)
Ochsner P. E., Baumgart F., Kohler G.
Heat induces segmental necrosis after reaming of one humeral and two tibial fractures with a narrow medullary cavity.
Injury 29: 316-320 (1998)
Zimmerli W., Widmer A. F., Blatter M., Frei R., Ochsner P. E.
Role of rifampin for treatment of orthopedic implant – related staphylococcal infections.
JAMA 279: 1537-1541 (1998)
Ochsner P. E., Hügli R. W.
Der Wert der Markhöhlenaufbohrung und Markraumschienung bei der Sanierung von Infektpseudarthrosen.
Unfallchirurgie 98: 145-150 (1995)
Ochsner P. E., Brunazzi M. G.
Intramedullary reaming and soft tissue procedures in treatment of chronic osteomyelitis of long bones.
Orthopaedics 17: 433-440 (1994)
Baumgartner R., Ochsner P. E.
Checkliste Orthopädie.
Thieme Stuttgart, 3. Aufl. (1992)
Ochsner P. E., Sokhegyi A., Petralli C.
Der Wert der Computertomographie bei der Abklärung der chronischen Osteomyelitis.
Z orthop 128: 313-318 (1990)
Ochsner P. E.
Knochentumoren des Fußes. Systematik, Differentialdiagnose und Therapie.
Enke Stuttgart (1984)
Marti R. K., Ochsner P. E., Bernoski F. P.
Korrekturosteotomien des distalen Humerus beim Erwachsenen.
Orthopäde 10: 311-315 (1981)
Ochsner P. E.
Zum Problem der neolastischen Entartung bei multiplen kartilaginären Exostosen.
Z orthop 116: 369-378 (1978)
Ochsner PE, Hailemariam S
Histology of osteosynthesis associated bone infection
Injury 37:S49-S58(2006) Zimmerli W, Trampuz A, Ochsner PE Current concept: Prosthetic-joint infection
N Engl J Med 351:1645-54(2004) Ochsner PE (Hrsg)
Die Hüfttotalprothese: Implantationstechnik und lokale Komplikationen
Springer Heidelberg 2003 Englisch 2003, Chinesisch 2004, Spanisch 2006