Clinical Focus:
- Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, Cartilage, Tumours, ...
- Orthopaedics, Traumatology, special orthopaedic surgery, paediatric orthopaedics, sports medicine, physical therapy, manual therapy
- Clinic director (2005)
- Attending surgeon (1999)
- Orthopaedic Surgery Münster (1994)
- Traumatology, Duisburg (1993)
- Traumatology, Eschweiler (1992)
- University Cologne (1986-1992)
- Professorship (2005
- Habilitation (2000)
- Promotion (1992)
- Dr. med. A. Boss, Prof. A. Eckardt, Dr. H-J. Trnka
- 2001
Fuchs S., H. Gierse, B. Maaz:
Ist die GSB- Knieprothesenimplantation noch vertretbar?
Z. Orthop. 131, 425-430, 1993
Fuchs S., L. Thorwesten, S. Niewerth, J. Jerosch
Proprioceptive functions in knees with or without total knee arthroplasty.
Am J Rehabil 78, 39-45, 1999
Fuchs S., C. Chylarecki, G. Hierholzer
Do functional deficits result from radial head resection?
J. Shoulder Elbow Surg 8, 247-51, 1999
Fuchs S., C Chylarecki, A. Langenbrinck
Incidence and symtoms of clinically manifest rotator cuff lesions.
Int J Sprts Med 20, 201-205, 1999
Fuchs S., G. Schütte, H. Witte, D. Rosenbaum
Retropatellar contact characteristics in total knee arthroplasty with ans without patella resurfacing devices.
Int Orthop im Druck
Fuchs S., C.O. Tibesku, M. Flören, L. Thorwesten
Interdependence of clinical and isokinetic results after bicondylar knee prostheses with special emphasis on quality of life results.
Int Orth im Druck