Univ. Prof. Dr. Catharina Chiari

Current clinical position:
Head of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery Team
Head of the Cartilage Repair Clinic
- September/80 - June/92: Primary and High school „Schule Maria Regina“, Vienna
- October /92 - October/98: Medical University of Vienna
- 16th October 1998: Doctor of Medicine, Thesis “10-year follow up of the cementfree
Alloclassic total hip endoprothesis” - November/98-July/99: Medical University of Vienna, Department of Traumatology
- July/99-July/01 Medical University of Vienna, Department of Surgery
- August/01-November/05: Medical University of Vienna, Department of Orthopaedics
- 30th November 2005: Speciality diploma for Orthopaedic Surgery
- since then: Permanent staff member, Department of Orthopaedics, MUV
(Head: Prof. Rainer Kotz until 2009, Prof. Reinhard Windhager since 2009)
Academic achievements:
- Venia legendi (Habilitation), Associate Prof. Feb/2009
- Head of the Tissue Engineering Research Group
- Member of the Ethics Committee, MUV
- Reseacher of the Month March 2007, Medical University of Vienna
- Poster Prize GOTS Annual Meeting 2007, Munich
- Poster Prize ICRS World Congress 2007, Warsaw
- EPOS stipend Pediatric Orthopaedics Instructional Courses
International experience:
- The Hospital for Special Surgery, NY, NY, USA (July 96)
- GOTS Travelling Fellowship Korea and Japan (May, June 06)
- Limb Lengthening Fellowship, Rubin Institute of Advanced Orthopaedics, Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, USA (April-Oct. 08)
- Austrian Orthopaedic Society, Austrian Surgical Society, Society for Orthopaedic Traumatologic Sports Medicine, International Cartilage Repair Society, Die Orthopädinnen e.V.